I was tagged by Stacy with Three Winks Photography. It is a little blog game that has been going around to lots of blogs for whoever is following. I have to list 8 interesting, not too well known facts about myself. Then tag 4 other photographers. That will be the hard part since most everyone I know has already been tagged. Well here goes nothing:
1- I have 2 beautiful daughters. Jayde is 5 with Stick straight hair and brown eyes. Savana is 2 with curly, curly hair and blue eyes. Go figure. Also, I love being a mom and wouldn't trade it for anything!
2- I had to have c-sections with both of my children. The first one was an emergency, the second one was elected.
3- My very favorite place to go in the entire world is Disneyland.
4- I have never traveled outside of the western United States besides Mexico. I have also lived in Utah (Ogden area) my entire life.
5- I am 24 years old and most people think I look 16. (I guess that will be good when I am 50!)
6- I could eat only soft bean burritos from Taco Maker, Chocolate and Diet coke in a can for the rest of my life and be happy about it.
7- Me and my husband knew each other for only 9 short months when we got married.
8- I love fall time, halloween and the changing leaves. It is my favorite time of year. I have only come to realize this since being an adult. I also love Christmas (hate the cold and snow though) and will start listening to Christmas music and nothing else, as soon as it is played on the radio (usually November 1st).
9- If I could change anything about my body/appearance (besides the effects from having children), it would be my eyebrows. I had a bad pluck job in high school and will be paying for it for the rest of my life.
10- I am a huge neat freak (thanks dad). I can't stand mess and clutter. It gives me anxiety. However, if the closets and drawers are a mess I could care less. As long as it is behind closed doors.
Well, I am sure I could go on, but I won't. That wasn't as hard as I thought.
I tag:
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Posted by
12:56 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Design on a dime.
While my husband was out of town for 4 days, I decided my bedroom needed a major makeover. We have been married for 4 years and have never done a thing with our room. In fact we had a hand me down comforter and all that from my sister in law. We just spent the rest of our time and energy on the rest of our house. So finally I said enough is enough and took matters into my own hands. I had my friend Anne help me put it all together. She is amazing at this kind of stuff! And you will never believe how much I did this all for......$150. It looks amazing! My husband was so surprised!
Here are some before and after shots:
Posted by
11:06 PM
Cyndi and Zakk's Engagements
Cyndi and Zakk are from Idaho, but their families are from all over. So they are getting married in Salt Lake City so everyone can meet in the middle. I did their engagements a few weeks ago. These two are so cute and so in love. It was a blast to be around them. They were up for any of my crazy ideas, and I love how their pictures turned out. Sorry there are alot!
Posted by
10:45 PM
Karaline and Jake's Wedding
I shot Karaline and Jakes wedding at the first of August. It was a perfect day! Every photographers dream day. It was overcast and cool. I am sure Karaline wasn't too happy about it, but I loved it! It did sprinkle every now and again, but we got some fun umbrella shots. If you don't remember, Karaline is my brother-in-law's sister. I did their other sister Katie's wedding back in June. I love working with this family and I am sad that their weddings are over. Thanks for everything you guys! Oh and did I mention, this is the first wedding I shot with my new Fuji S5! I looooove it!!!! The third girl in from the right is my adorable and sweet sister-in-law (my husbands sister).
The third guy in from the left is my brother-in-law
Posted by
9:51 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
Ashlee and Matt's Snowbasin Wedding
Ashlee and Matt love the great outdoors, so the Snowbasin Ski Resort was the perfect location for their wedding. It was beautiful, serene, and peaceful. And just what they wanted. Over the past few months I feel like I have become friends with Ashlee and Matt and I am so sad to see their wedding over with! I am so lucky, however, to have been a part of their wedding. Ashlee and Matt are just hilarious and their families were a blast to be around. Thanks for everything you two. I have had a blast working with you!
Posted by
12:37 AM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Sweetest Thing!!!
I just had to write about the sweetest thing ever. I have been sick with the flu or some other nasty virus this past weekend. However that is not the sweet part :). I had one of my bride's Heather, call wanting to pick up an order, and I mentioned that I was sick but she was more than welcome to drop by (and please excuse me in my pajamas with no makeup on or hair done, and house being a disaster). A few hours later she showed up at my door with a Jamba Juice in hand for me. It was so sweet and thoughtful! I just could not believe it!!! It really made my day! Thank you so much Heather! You have been such a pleasure to work with and I am so sad to have your wedding over with so soon.
Posted by
10:38 PM