Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Let the countdown begin!

when you are waiting for something for so long, it seems like it will never get here. but now i am on a downward countdown of less then a week, hurrah! if i have not officially declared my LOVE for the jonas brothers yet consider this a declaration. call me crazy or childish, whatever, i dont care. heaven knows i hear enough of it from my husband, miley cyrus loving daughter :) and brother in law brock. still love you guys. at least savana is with me. she screams and jumps and almost has a breakdown if she sees the jonas brothers (she does the same thing with dora and disneyland though) but i just love them! so now their new cd comes out in a week and i am so excited. so let the countdown begin... 6 days and counting!


Brock said...

We all know you love the Jonas Brothers, but would you say you are "Burnin' Up" for them?

Candyce said...

Hi! Thank you for the nice comment on my blog. great photos!! I am all about the lens flare right now, I LOVE that picture. I am going to keep reading... so keep posting!

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