Tuesday, July 29, 2008

my family!!!!

we went up to park city in june for a little get away and while we were there my mother in law wanted pictures of the whole family. so we went and found a cute little field and did family pictures. for the whole group we had some friends come and take the pictures after i had set it up. my brother in law brock, took the one of my family. i think he did pretty good. i am so proud! haha.

the whole fam-damily

my husbands parents and all of the grandkids
my husbands sister melissa, her husband jon and baby taggartmy niece ivy

my husbands sister nichol, her husband adam, ivy and isaac
my nephew isaac (this was one of the only pictures i got of him because he got allergies and his eyes swelled up really bad!)
my jayde aka little miss attitude
this is pretty much the best smile i got out of them. they hate pictures.

my husbands parents
my brother in law brock (you look so cute brock! haha)

yay us!

mad savana. this isnt unusual for her.

amanda's bridals

i shot amanda's bridals at some new locations in downtown ogden. i always love new locations. first we started out at the hampton inn (which i have been to before and i love) then we went to the eccles art center, where we made a new friend, then we headed over to fort buenaventura. amanda is so gorgeous and fun to be with. she is so sweet and can't wait for her wedding on friday! stay tuned for more posts that i have to catch up on. my goal this week is a post a day. hold me to it. and leave lots of comments! i love comments!

our new friend. this cute kitty would not leave us alone. we had to shoot around him most of the time.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

ketty and matt- you guys rock and we love you!!!

haha! first a story...matt is the one that is responsible for me and my husband. period. about 6 years ago i worked at shopko with matt and he was best friends with my husband, chris. matt set us up on a blind date and BAM! 9 months later we were married. thanks matt! so now it is matt's turn. matt and ketty met online a few years ago. ketty is from peru and through a long distance relationship they fell in love. oh how sweet. so now ketty is here and they are getting married in august! YAY! i love these two. they are so sweet and fun and we just love being around them. as you can tell from the pictures they are so funny and i could hardly get a picture of matt without him pulling a face or looking at me when they were supposed to be kissing :) i will explain some of the pictures as they go along. enjoy...

yep he is definetly doing this on purpose.

Sorry Honey! I just had too!!!!

another one of the many faces of matt!

this is so funny to me!!!
acting like robots.
this was ketty's idea. i wonder who won?
lookin good. no, i know i am a major dork. but what do ya do???

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