Friday, May 30, 2008

Savana's idea of a good time....

Before I get onto that subject, I wanted to post a few of Jayde on her last day of school :( I am still not ok with her growing up, but I am very proud of her. She got a perfect report card and I know it is just kindergarten but I am still so proud. She is such a sweet girl. She always wants to help out and do her best. I couldn't ask for a better daughter. Great job baby!! I love you.

Back to the original post....If your idea of a good time is eating oreos and jumping off of the porch again and again and again, then you and Savana have something in common. Gotta love the summer time!!!

Love this one despite the oreo face.

Stacey and Troy's Wedding

I am a little behind on blogging. I shot Stacey and Troy's wedding at the first of May. They were a referral from Dustin. Thank you Dustin! Stacey and Troy are such a fun and cute couple. Troy is so funny and was constantly doing things to make Stacey laugh. They are going to have such a great life together and I want to wish them the best of luck!!! Thanks for a great day guys! Enjoy...

Isn't this time of year amazing!

Stacey's uncle gave her a clock that he had carved himself and she was really emotional about it. It was so sweet.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Girl....

Tonight I am feeling a little bit sad. Tomorrow is my daughters last day of kindergarten and tonight it hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't believe she is growing up so fast. Even more than that is all of the precious time that we now have together after school, to eat lunch together and have movie days and just spend quality time together is now coming to an end. Sure we will have the entire summer together but starting next school year she will be gone all day. My husband says I am overreacting but I am sure any of you moms out there understand what I am talking about. Besides that, kindergarteners still feel so little and precious. They are still so young and get to come home halfway through the day :( Anyways... Jayde had her dance pictures on Tuesday at the dance studio. So I decided that since she was already all dressed up and pretty that I would take advantage of it and take her out on my own for a quick photo shoot. Oh how I just love and adore this girl.... Isn't she so cute and sassy?!?

Savana had to get in on some of the fun!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tiffany and Derek's Bridals

Isn't it crazy how time just flies right by??? I swear it was only yesterday that I was meeting with Tiffany for her wedding and now her wedding has came and went. I did Tiffany and Derek's bridals a couple of weeks ago and never got around to blogging them. Their wedding was yesterday so I decided that I needed to blog their bridals before I got to the wedding. I am so so happy with how the bridals turned out. It was my first time shooting at the Captial Building and I loved it. They look so elegant. And aren't Tiffany and Derek just an amzing couple? Tiffany's dress was stunning. I loved everything about it! She got it from Bridal Image in Bountiful. She just looked amazing! These two were so much fun to work with and I so loved getting to know them. I will miss being around these two. They are so natural in front of the camera and always laughing and kissing and having a great time together. Thanks for all of the fun you guys and have fun on your cruise to Mexico! (I am so jealous!) Stay tuned for their wedding as well as tons of other weddings I hope to get on the blog in the next few days. Enjoy....

Monday, May 19, 2008

Website and Email down

Who knows why??? I surely don't, but we are trying to get it fixed. My website and email ( are down. If you need to contact me, you can email me at or call me at 801.710.9646. I hope to have this problem fixed soon.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I have been Tagged...

I have been tagged by Erin of Erin Langford Photography.

This is how the game works:
The rules are:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged.

What I was going 10 years ago: 10 years ago I was a cheerleader in Jr. High School YAY! GO Spartans! haha

Five things on my to do list today: 1- Finish up my editing. 2- Be a Mommy to my beautiful girls. 3- Take pictures of my brother and his girlfriend for their 4 year anniversary. 4- Do Laundry. 5- Run errands (Walmart, bank, dry cleaners, library, piano practice for Jayde etc...)

Things I would do if I were a billionaire: I would make sure all of my family members bills were paid for life. Start a charity. Let my husband quit is job. Go on a killer vacation. Buy new camera equipment of course. And go on a major shopping spree.

Three of my bad habits: Biting my nails ( I am doing it right now). I am a junk food junkie. And I am a clean freak (just ask my husband)

Five places I’ve lived: South Ogden, Utah. Roy, Utah. Clinton, Utah. Oh wait that is only 3 and all within 5 minutes of each other. I am pretty lame :)

Five jobs I’ve had: a couple of fast food, Telemarketing, My dad owned a dance club that I worked at, CNA work for an assited living home and hospice, Shopko, and my favorite.. Amanda Abel Photography YAY!!!

People I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG!)

Kellee, Dustin, Heather, and I can't find anyone else who hasn't been tagged so 3 is the magic number!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Heather and Jay's Bridals

My husband and I shot Heather and Jay's bridals last week down in Ogden at the Union Station and 25th Street (probably my favorite Ogden location). Heather and Jay have been so much fun to work with and are the sweetest people in the world! Heather brought some awesome umbrellas to use in her pictures that she will also incorporate into her wedding. They were killer! I love it when people bring props along to represent themselves. It makes the shoot feel so much more personal. I love the shots we got and am so excited for their wedding! It is going to be so beautiful and I love all of the bright colors. My kinda girl! Now for some pictures...Enjoy...

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