Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Girl....

Tonight I am feeling a little bit sad. Tomorrow is my daughters last day of kindergarten and tonight it hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't believe she is growing up so fast. Even more than that is all of the precious time that we now have together after school, to eat lunch together and have movie days and just spend quality time together is now coming to an end. Sure we will have the entire summer together but starting next school year she will be gone all day. My husband says I am overreacting but I am sure any of you moms out there understand what I am talking about. Besides that, kindergarteners still feel so little and precious. They are still so young and get to come home halfway through the day :( Anyways... Jayde had her dance pictures on Tuesday at the dance studio. So I decided that since she was already all dressed up and pretty that I would take advantage of it and take her out on my own for a quick photo shoot. Oh how I just love and adore this girl.... Isn't she so cute and sassy?!?

Savana had to get in on some of the fun!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I thought I already commented on this when it came across google reader, but I guess I didn't~
What a cutie pie!!
Great shots too!!

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